Friday, December 2, 2011

Upcoming Meet Up Coordinate

It is getting a lot cooler in Hawaii so I'm rather excited to wear my frills without having to deal with the heat and humidity. My frilly friends and I have set up another mini meet up, this time at The Dole Plantation. The grounds are pretty nice but the biggest pull would be the Pineapple Garden Maze. The maze itself has been declared the one of the largest in the world covering 3 acres and having almost 2.5 miles of pathways.
 I'm rather excited for this meet and have already got my outfit set up for the day. Still not too sure of what to use as a headpiece or which wig to use for that matter. I asked a friend to borrow a pair of his shoes that he had purchased from Bodyline about a year ago since none of the shoes I currently have go with the coordinate. Much to my surprise he offered to sell them to me for a steal since they don't fit him properly.
Blouse: Metamorphose temps de fille
JSK: Metamorphose temps de fille

Until next time,


  1. That outfit is so playful, perfect for a maze meet-up! Looks comfortable for exploring in too!

  2. Hello Sweets!

    Loving your blog. We'd like to invite you to our Sultry Vamps "Pastel Masterpiece" Event. Check out our blog or Facebook page for more information.

    Hope to see you there!

    <3 Sultry Vamps Team
